Why Being A Self Starter Matters

Becoming a self-starter is one of the best things you can do in your career and personal life.

By definition, a self-starter is a person who is sufficiently motivated or ambitious to start a new career or business or to pursue further education without the help of others.

A self-starter is

  1. Someone who is motivated. Self-starters are people who take action without being prompted to.

  2. Someone confident. Self-starters frequently trust their intuition about their actions, so they don’t need reassurance from others.

  3. Someone ambitious. Self-starters are individuals who are driven by setting and achieving goals. Additionally, they know when to set higher goals that are still realistic for themselves.

  4. Someone resilient. Self-starters know how to move past challenges and find different solutions to accomplish the same objective.

How To Become A Self-Starter

Here are five tips that you can do to get started in promoting this new lifestyle that will help you achieve more of your goals and get more done with your time:

Embrace challenges as they present themselves. Every challenge presents an opportunity; find the opportunity instead of focusing on the negative or what you can’t control.

Get comfortable with discomfort. You grow through being uncomfortable. Grow through what you go through. The challenges build you up to be stronger. Not everything in life is going to be easy. Once you understand that and learn to roll with the punches, you’ll become adaptable and better equipped to navigate future challenges.

Set higher expectations. You know yourself best. Challenge yourself and push yourself to be 1% better daily. That’s 37x better in one year. How can you expect to grow if you don’t push yourself? How do you expect to become a millionaire, become successful, and live a life of ease down the line if you don’t invest in yourself and challenge yourself to grow?

Focus on successful outcomes. Likewise, don’t stay stuck on the negative. When you catch yourself thinking about negative outcomes, pause and ask yourself, what if, instead, everything works out the way you want it to? Entertain positivity and success in your life, and it shall come to you. Most people develop anxiety and come up with negative outcomes before anything manifests into reality. Instead of taking this route, change your mind to change your life. It takes practice, almost like going to the gym and building muscle. You must invest in your mindset and cultivate a what-if-this-can-work mindset. 

Lastly, promote teamwork. We can’t get anywhere alone. Do you want to become a self-starter? Do you want to become a better person? Surround yourself with the right kind of people. Pour into them, and the right people will pour into you. Going at things alone will have you on the road for longer. Find your tribe and build from there.

Are you a self-starter? If not, what will you do now to try to become one? Share in the comments below this blog post.


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