Putting Yourself Out There

Putting yourself and your gifts out there can be scary in a world full of judgment and perfectionism, but you’re robbing yourself of abundance, love, and success when you don’t put yourself out there.

You’re Not Perfect, It’s Okay

It doesn't have to be "perfect" because perfect isn't real. Show up as your most authentic self—one of the best things I did as a new grad was put myself out there. I attended networking events alone, took courses post-college, and still do this in order to support my long-term goals. I started from scratch and created content even when I didn't have the proper materials and space to record. Putting yourself out there will open doors for you that you didn’t even know existed.

Use what you have and do what you can. 

Putting myself out there has resulted in the following:

  1. Getting my first four-figure paid speaking engagement.

  2.  Speaking to large audiences both virtually and in person

  3. Building connections with people across the globe, I wouldn’t otherwise have known

  4. Getting reached out to for jobs and landing these roles

  5. By passing interviews and receiving offers from people resonating and knowing my personal brand

I didn't know it then, but I was building my brand. Looking back, my videos were a bit cringe. (It’s okay; everyone starts somewhere) However, people still resonated with what I was sharing because it allowed them to learn something new. It's not about the messenger but rather the message being delivered. I was discussing topics my community hadn't learned about, such as salary negotiation, writing a grant, and building your own business.

Do It Even If You’re Scared

Now, you see, I've always been a doer. I've always done what I said I was going to do. I don't care if I'm scared; I will jump with full faith into anything my heart desires, like what I did when writing my book or even starting my blog. 

Society will continue to change; technology will evolve and change our lives forever. But, above all, we need to share our creativity with the world. Creativity is what makes us unique. Creativity, storytelling, and being ourselves are what allow us to foster community.

There will always be a need for creativity. People always need to create things- books, art, music, etc. People connect to people that share themselves with the world. People who share their stories. We see now more than ever before that we need human connection. We’re in the middle of a loneliness epidemic, so showing up and sharing a bit of yourself is important. Why do you think brands are using user-generated content more and more these days? It's because humans don't connect to robots or bland brands. Instead, we relate to other people. You know what this means, right? Put yourself out there.

Build your brand. Share your story. Speak your truth. Share your wisdom.

Opportunities will start coming your way. Every job I've gotten, except for one, was because I’ve put myself out there. You have to tell people who you are before the world tells you who you are. Go out there. The world is your oyster. The internet is a free space you can use to promote yourself, your brand, and your products.


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