It’s Okay To Be A Beginner

You don't have to be an expert. No one expects you to be one. You are allowed to suck when you’re trying something new for the first time. It's okay to be a beginner when you're first getting started.

We live in a world where most folks don't share their journey, it's easy to believe they've always been great at different things. 

Do you think Oprah was always a great speaker? 

Think Floyd Mayweather was born a professional boxer? 

Do you think they both got to touch billions just because they wanted to? 

The answer is no. They had to work hard to get to where they are. They started off as beginners just like you and I.

I didn't start off great

Altogether, my first website was not as complex as my current website. In reality, it sucked, and there were tons of spelling errors. Yet still, here I am, having published 2 books before 30. Were they perfect? Not at all. For me all that matters is getting the message across. 

My first blog post didn't come out as easy as the ones I write now do. It’s okay to be a beginner; just get started. We’re paralyzed by fear. It’s what gets in the way of us and reaching our fullest potential.

Nonetheless, things don't come easy in the beginning. I look back at my cringe videos from 2019, when I was first building my personal brand. The videos consisted of me sharing what I had learned in networking events I had attended. I spoke for several minutes instead of being concise and to the point. Now, I am able to film shorter videos and share the most important words of wisdom I want people to hear. I’m able to drive the lesson home sooner.

It took time to get to where I am; I'm still learning and growing daily.

The sooner you start, the sonner you can get through the awkward beginning stages.

Future you will thank you. I don't care how cringe you think it is; just do it. One small way I did this was by posting different types of content on LinkedIn and Instagram for the month of August. It’s forcing me to get out of comfort zone, see what my audience likes and doesn’t like, what resonates most with them. In the future I know I want to grow my personal brand and get paid because of it while still staying true to who I am and sharing wisdom. This is why I;m allowing myself to be a beginner and just dive into trying something new. If it flops, it flops but at least I can say I gave things a try. 

I want people who Google me to find what I say I do easily. I'm an author, blogger and speaker. You should be able to see this easily. Will I look back at this content years from now and find it cringe? Probably, but who cares? What matters is that I started, and this is allowing me to move closer to my goals.

It's Okay To Be A Beginner

I'll leave you all with one thing. In 2019, I started posting personal development content. The one regret I have is that I wish I started sooner and was consistent throughout all these years. There are so many people who could've benefited from all the content ideas I have/had, but I can't go back and change anything. All I can do is start today to do what I want to do, and the same goes for you. Do what you say you're going to do. It doesn't matter if you suck. If it feels cringe, just do it. I promise you, years from now, you'll look back and be grateful that you started.


I’ll Be Happy When..


Gratitude- The Root of Happiness