Gratitude- The Root of Happiness

Gratitude is the root of all happiness.

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and ready to show appreciation for what is.

After graduating college, I felt lost in the world, as do many other twenty-somethings once they start navigating adulthood post-college. There was so much to do, but where do you even begin? You need to find a job to pay for the stuff you want; figure out when you’re going to be able to see your friends since you don’t live together anymore. You must develop a routine for yourself because now you don’t have classes and extracurriculars determining the structure of your day.

It’s a lot to take in.

Shift your Perspective

I share all of this to say that we often focus on worrying and not enough on what we do have. We don't focus on what is available right in front of us and what we have accomplished. You may feel lost in the world after college. However, now is a time you can discover and rebrand yourself. Now is the time to develop new hobbies and get the much-needed rest you’ve missed. Now is the time to catch your breath. You can choose to be grateful, or you can choose to focus on the negative.

Gratitude transformed my life.

Gratitude allows you to be thankful for what you already have, thus helping you develop an abundant mindset. Once you see what you have as enough, more will start to enter. God rewards you by overflowing your cup with good things once you start to recognize the good you already have.

Gratitude allowed me to feel less angry. If “bad things” happen in my life now, I can acknowledge it’s not the best outcome, but I’ll get through it. For example, if my shirt gets dirty, I am grateful I have clothes to wear. If I miss my flight, I am grateful I have the necessary resources to get to an airport and book a new flight. It may not be realistic thinking for everyone, but this has allowed me to hold less anger within myself and live a healthier and more fruitful life. 

All of this said, I don’t want you to ignore the negative feelings you may feel you’re entitled to feel, but staying fixated on this for too long won’t change the outcome. In addition, it’s healthy to feel your emotions and process them, but staying too stuck in this negative loop will cause your mental health to suffer.

Expressing gratitude can help you achieve:

  1. Increased levels of happiness and quality of life

  2. Improved health & immune system functionality, thus reducing stress

  3. Better sleep

  4. Heightened self-esteem

  5. Increased mental strength

  6. Increased energy levels

  7. It brings more blessings to your life

Over the next seven days, try writing down three things you’re grateful for either in the morning or at night before going to bed and documenting how they make you feel. Reflect on any changes this makes in your daily life.

If you enjoy it and want to continue with the practice, I encourage you to get a gratitude journal or write down three things you’re grateful for daily in the notes app on your phone.

Let gratitude change your life and shift your perspective.


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