How To Have Faith Over Fear

If you believe in yourself and God and have a level of unshakeable positive delusion, the opportunities will become endless.

Let’s be honest: we all have limiting beliefs, whether they were instilled in us as children by our parents or something we learned to believe in school. We all operate from a space of limiting beliefs. Trying to unlearn these limiting beliefs takes A LOT of work, but stick with me, and I’ll show you why it’s important to unlearn them.

You may not know how or when something is going to happen, but you should always have faith that it will happen.

For most of my life, I dealt with internal conflict and limiting beliefs. It wasn't until 2020 (ironically) that I started becoming more grateful. Despite being in a world pandemic I still tried to find the good in every day. Gratitude promoted my faith; more doors started to open up. An example of this came from my moving experience. For years, I wanted to move out of my mother's home; while I liked living rent-free with my mom, I wanted a space of my own. 

Eventually, this dream of moving out fell to the bottom of my priority list because I was finding more to be grateful for. I finally got my own room post-college, something I’d longed for. Things started slowly coming into fruition when, one day, my cousin invited me to go see apartments with her, and there it was, what I had written in my journal just a few weeks back. Open floor plan, kitchen island, my own bathroom. I never lost faith; I had just tucked it away and focused on other priorities. 

Gratitude is the root of happiness.

When you quiet down the voices in your head, you'll get gentle nudges and reassurance to remain on your walk of faith and trust God, yourself, your talents, and your capabilities. It's happened to me and helped me get speaking opportunities and jobs. Even when in doubt, lean on your faith. Everything that is happening is for your greater purpose.

While in the middle of moving out of my first apartment, traveling, ending one job, and searching for my next, I struggled to keep my debt low and pay my bills. Right when I was clinging to hope, two checks came in the mail from a speaking engagement and a brand partnership. This allowed me to start getting back on track with my financial goals.

You are a limitless being in a limitless world. You become limited because you allow the outside world to infiltrate your thoughts. You feel overcome by your current circumstances, and I understand it’s stressful, but it costs you $0 to be limitless, to feed your mind the right thoughts, and to have faith in yourself.

Question your belief system.

We doubt ourselves before we even get started on anything. We doubt a project will succeed before even getting the materials to start the project. We doubt ourselves shooting our shot with someone else before we even have the courage to write the message we plan on sending them. We live in constant doubt and fear of failure. How about you give yourself a chance to dream? A chance to try. A chance to believe. A chance to see what could happen if it did work out.

Having faith in myself has allowed me to speak at universities like Fordham University and Binghamton University, speak on panels at summits, and bring both of my books to life. 

Trust me, I know it isn’t easy to have faith, but it’s free and makes you feel mentally and physically better rather than living in doubt and fear. We never know where believing can take us. To our next big gig? To our next six figures? To have a major shift in your mental health for the better? To meet your next business partner, significant other, or friend soulmate? You never know what can happen; just have faith in yourself.

I promise you that having faith will transform your life.


My Second Book- Dreams Don’t Cost A Thing


Failures Are Rebranded Lessons