The Power of Notes

Notetaking is an underutilized and undervalued skill.  Note taking has been the biggest factor in aiding my memory. As we grow older our memory starts to dwindle this is due to age, environmental factors and much more. For this reason, I focus on writing down what I can when I can not only to retain information but to free up space in my brain to think about other things.

If you’re focused on remembering tasks that need to get done you may forget the simple things like calling your parents, watering your plants etc. 

I take notes at  meetings, while watching YouTube videos, attending networking events, and much more. We always hear about how writing things down will allow you to remember them better. However, outside of that, here are some other benefits. 

Benefits of Note-taking:

  1. Accountability- taking notes and reviewing them allows you to hold yourself accountable and others to do the things you were either tasked to do or agreed to do.

  2. Content Creation- I like to share things I've learned. With note-taking, I am able to create valuable content for my audience to receive the key pieces of information from the content I’ve consumed whether through a book, YouTube video, TED Talke etc.

  3. Keeps you alert- it allows you to stay attentive and actively listen to what's going.

  4. Creativity- When I review my notes, I often find that they trigger other thoughts, enabling me to journal or generate more content from them. In addition, it allows me to be creative in my professional role. As a program manager, I consider what information would be useful for my students.

  5. Vault of information- taking notes is great, so you don't forget anything. Our memories can and have failed us in the past, so just take notes to reassure you don't miss anything.

  6. Reference point- While taking notes at networking events in years prior, I frequently review old notes from years ago and think about how far I've come in my life's journey, and am also able to share this information with my audience.

Inspiration can come from anywhere, but if you don't take notes for the ideas you have/things you’ve learned, you may not remember them so remember to take notes if not for you, for your audience.


First Generation Experience- Societal and Parental Expectations