Rebrand Yourself

You are allowed to change your thoughts, beliefs, and appearance. I have not taken this for granted. After graduation, I took time to reflect on what needed to change moving forward. I am here to tell you that rebranding yourself is okay. 

Anyone who knew me during my undergrad years knows how much I partied and enjoyed dancing and drinking. This took a turn for the worse when I was depressed. I used partying every weekend to distract me from being depressed. Thinking back, I really let myself go. Despite this, I still wouldn’t take back my experiences because they molded me into the person I am today. 

College Transitions

After I graduated, I decided to change my whole life around. I got rid of most of my old clothes, books, and things that no longer served my higher purpose. I was overweight and pre-diabetic, wearing clothes that no longer fit me. My hair was a mess from bleaching it and then cutting it all off. For this reason, I started exercising, switching up my wardrobe piece by piece, growing my hair out, and getting it professionally done. This was an investment for future me.

After graduating, I developed an actual skincare routine. (And yes, men, you should develop one too!) I got organized and strategized about my next steps and goals for the months ahead of me. For the first time ever, I went to get my hair colored at a salon. I started investing in myself through appearance, taking courses to gain knowledge, seeing a therapist, and much more.

This was the beginning of me intentionally pouring into myself.

Take Away

I intentionally chose to rebrand myself because I no longer identified with who I was in college. I also felt and looked like a mess, and I knew I needed to take action to change my reality. Making the active choice to change any part of yourself is never easy, but it’s 100% worth it. If you need a sign to rebrand your life, this is it. I went from an outrageously hilarious drunk party girl to becoming a productive, inspirational, and motivational author. Don't get me wrong, it's important to let loose from time to time, but as I progress through life, I know what I want my new identity to be.

You have different priorities while in college and after college, and this leads you to make the choices you make. I knew after college, I needed my life to make a complete 180 because if I kept headed down the road I was on, I would’ve ended up in a casket. As morbid as this sounds, it’s the truth, and this is truly why I invested and poured into myself: I knew I wanted a new and improved life.


How To Recognize When You Need To Slow Down


A New and Improved To-Do List