Why You Should Spend Time Alone

One of the best things you can do earlier in your life is to spend time alone, and I mean completely alone. This does not mean ignoring your community or friends but, better yet, not devoting your time to potential romantic interests that are not supporting you in life but instead dragging you down. I've spent a lot of time alone in the past few years. This helped me improve my relationship not only with myself but also with others.

Being away from everyone allows you to focus on what you want to accomplish and what you want to change about yourself to yield the desired results. Being alone allowed me to reflect and heal from the trauma I had stored in my body and in my memories. It’s so important that we as people reflect and heal. Often, we blame others when, in part, we also have some accountability to take for our actions.

Benefits Of Spending Time Alone:

  1. More time to focus on your goals

  2. Not trading time and energy with toxic people 

  3. More time to discover your wants and needs for yourself, your future partner, and your friends

  4. Allows you time to heal

  5. More time to rest since you’re not stressing over other people

  6. Allows you to find happiness within yourself

  7. Develop your own self-worth and devote time to habits that make you a better you

Throughout my first year alone, I was able to:

  1. Develop a higher self-esteem and no longer depend on outside validation. My validation comes from within.

  2. I wrote my first book when I was 22 years old because I had more time.

  3. Developed a gym routine that has allowed me to transform my life years later

I developed happiness within my own solitude, so when I decide to be in a relationship, I recognize I am a whole person who is ready to be committed, not searching for “my other half,” as is the case with this generation.

While alone, I have been able to reach my goals faster, whether it be reading more books, losing weight, or just getting deeper rest at night. I have also figured out what I am looking for in my future partner and friendships.

There are far more benefits than the ones I've mentioned, but I want to leave you with this. Sometimes, what you’re looking for is right within you. Anything you wish to achieve starts with you. We spend so much time around others but not enough time getting to know ourselves and checking in with our bodies, minds, and spirits. Before bringing someone else into the mix, figure out who you are and what you want.


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